Broth and gut health
In every pot of a well made bone broth is an abundance of “essential” sugars and amino acids which build collagen in your body.
Together the essential sugars and collagen
Essential sugars are also known as proteoglycans. Derived from proteo, meaning “of protein,” and glykos, meaning “sweet.” Proteoglycans wind over, under, and around the collagenous fiber networks. One proteoglycan worth mentioning is glucosamine made up from glucose (the principal sugar the body uses for fuel) and glutamine (a conditionally essential amino acid found abundantly in broth).
Glucosamine is best known as a supplement that helps repair cartilage, decrease inflammation, alleviate joint pain, and increase range of motion, but it has many other uses as well. In the gut, glucosamine helps repair the defensive barrier in the mucosa called the glycosaminoglycan layer, or GAG layer.
Glutamine, one part of glucosamine and one of four abundant amino acids in broth, is the preferred fuel source for cells in the small intestine and large bowel. It plays a vital role in the maintenance of gut villi and preventing bacteria from entering the small intestine or bowel wall.
These two important nutrients, along with collagen, are intrinsic in gut function and integrity. This has a fall on effect of supporting a healthy gut microbiome, along with dietary essentials such as prebiotics and probiotics.
As a food source which is abundant in these nutrients, broth is an important inclusion in a diet that supports gut health, And overall a thriving, healthy gut is essential for optimal nutrient absorption, for fighting inflammation and for boosting the immune system.
Fallon, S., (2014). Nourishing Broth (1st ed.). New York, NY: Grand Central Life & Style.
Gedgaudas, N. T., (2011). Primal Body, Primal Mind (2nd ed.). Rochester, Vermont: Healing Arts Press.