The many stages of postpartum


The fourth trimester and ultimately the critical repair stage following birth is really the first phase of postpartum. Often around six weeks however there are many differing factors that play a part in the healing process. And ultimately, how a mother is celebrated and supported postpartum. Will she go back to work straight away - as some mothers need to do. Or will she have the luxury of 40 days.
I then think of the next phase of postpartum, once a baby reaches six months they are crawling and getting into a lot more baby mischief. This is the time when sleep deprivation can really kick in. Again depending on whether a mother is juggling many commitments, she may not be able to take rest when her baby does. And so an unfolding can begin.
Another phase is around a year when baby is walking, climbing and pretty much hanging off you as a much heavier baby, the body can feel really taxed. And emotions can run high.
I believe these broader parameters around the many evolving phases of postpartum can help validate the way so many mothers feel. Depletion is so common. And it’s not entirely connected to that first 40 days. There are many challenges bringing a baby into the world. From my perspective as a nutritionist, make sure you nourish yourself all the way.